PORMAS / GranitStone
PORMAS is a subsidiary department established for the porcelain table manufacturing and export project of the GRANITSTONE organization. GRANITSTONE, which has established a significant position in the kitchen countertop, kitchen island, and bathroom sink countertop sector, entered this market under the name "PORMAS" by adding porcelain table manufacturing to its portfolio.
GRANITSTONE was founded in 2004 by Erdem EFENDİOĞLU with the aim of being the most effective solution partner for our customers in this sector, utilizing the knowledge and experience passed down through the family.
Since its establishment, Granitstone has been providing services as your solution partner in the Kitchen & Bathroom countertop application department, without compromising on its unique concept, innovative structure, wide range of products, and quality service integrated with technology and ethical business principles.
GranitStone: Our company, operating for over 25 years in the field, is among the leading companies in the industry. Thanks to our high-quality products and customer satisfaction-oriented working principle, we continue our presence in the sector by gaining the trust of our business partners and customers.
To meet the needs of our customers in the best possible way, our company manufactures and sells products in accordance with TSE standards. By closely following technological developments in the industry, we continuously renew our products and improve our quality.
PORMAS, Granit Stone alt kuruluşusur.
Mutfak & Banyo Sektörünün hızlı yükseliş trendi bu sektörde hizmet veren firmaların ve bu sektörden hizmet alan insanların sektörün bölümlerinin aynı hıza adapte olamayışıyla olumsuzluklarla karşılaşmışlardır.
GRANITSTONE aileden gelen bilgi ve birikimi bu sektörde siz müşterilerimize en etkin çözüm ortağı olmak amacıyla Erdem EFENDİOĞLU tarafından 2004 yılında kurulmuştur.
Granitstone kuruluşundan bu yana kendine özgü konseptiyle, yenilikçi yapısıyla, geniş ürün yelpazesiyle, teknolojiyle entegre kaliteli hizmet ve ahlaklı ticaret ilkelerinden ödün vermeden Mutfak & Banyo tezgahı uygulama bölümünde çözüm ortağınız olarak hizmet vermektedir.
Biz; bilgi birikimimiz ve tecrübelerimizi birleştirip, geliştiririz. Teknolojiyi yakından takip ederiz.Hayal ederiz, tasarlarız, üretiriz. Takım çalışmasının önemini iyi biliriz. Biz; büyük bir aileyiz. Adımız; Granitstone...
Granitstone continues its R&D efforts at full throttle with its qualified technical staff and state-of-the-art measurement equipment to achieve flawless results.
With its production infrastructure, Granitstone, among Turkey's leading companies, stands as a reference brand in major construction projects in our country.
Granitstone, providing 24/7 service in delivery and assembly, has adopted the principle of timely delivery and customer satisfaction with its logistics infrastructure and experienced team members.
Our general process in projects?
As GranitStone, we apply certain standard systemic studies to all our projects, paying attention to the smallest details from the beginning to the final stage.
1. Idea
Discovery & Dimensioning
2. Creation
Planning & Production
3. Quality
Transportation & Assembly
Quality Products, Qualified Service & Perfect Customer Satisfaction...
GranitStone, which has taken quality, modern design and customer satisfaction as its prestige,
- Using the latest technology in production,
- By participating in current sectoral fairs and promotions around the world,
- By constantly interacting within itself and with its external connections,
It has evolved into a well-established organization both in terms of industry and corporate branding, always open to innovations and new ideas, and generously investing in technological advancements in human-centered projects.